• Maja Meissner Managing Partner
  • Anna Piekut Partner at Meissner & Partners
  • Paweł Kudzia Partner
  • Renata Lubomirska Mentor | Coach
  • Dorota Hoffmann Executive Coach
  • Marta Filipiak Executive Coach
  • Małgorzata Klimczyk, PhD Executive Coach
  • Magda Rodak Executive Coach
  • Marlena Mikołaszek Senior Consultant
  • Małgorzata Domanowska Finance Director

Following Herder’s idea we understand the concept of Culture as the flow of moral energy that holds social bonds and society intact. Different nations may exist within one civilization, but they will always be distinguished in terms of their own culture, because culture determines who they are.

About Us

Meissner & Partners Executive Search and Organizational Development is a member of AESC The Association of Executive Search and Leadership Consultants.

We specialize in managing projects in the fields of executive search, executive coaching and executive development.

Utilizing many years of experience of our business partners, we offer preparation of personalized development programs for leaders and their organizations.

We work for companies from various sectors: pharmaceutical, media, financial, industrial, educational, private equity, FMCG, non-governmental, healthcare, public (cultural institutions).

Our offer includes unique workshops such as: SENS – Senior Executive Next Step – a program that allows you to find your new professional role, as well as conducting Oxford Debates in the corporate environment, Management by CSR / Sustainable development, Cultura Animi program.

Our partners include: Master Management Poland Sp. z o.o., The Ambassador Partnership, British Alumni Society and the the U.S. Department of State Exchange Program.

Maja Meissner
Managing Partner

Maja Meissner has been running her own consulting company, Meissner & Partners Executive Search and Leadership Development, with offices in Warsaw and Washington DC since 2010. She specializes in conducting recruitment projects for top management positions.

Meissner&Partners is a member of the global AESC The Association of Executive Search and Leadership Consultants based in New York, where Maja Meissner is a member of the Diversity Leadership Council Africa & Europe.

As an active investor, she serves as Non-Executive Director of Smartschool operating in the USA, and is also a Member of the Board of Trustees of „Fundacja Powszechnego Czytania”.

At the same time, she co-manages her own medical companies: Foster Clinic and Breast Clinic. In the past, she co-founded healthcare companies that were later sold to larger entities.

She graduated in management from the FP International School of Management in Warsaw and was a scholarship holder of the ECES Program by US Congress – Management, Marketing & PR at Georgetown University in Washington | University of Wisconsin. She also completed the Corporate CoachU program and Relationship Systems Coaching – ORSC (Organization and Relationship Systems Coaching) program, as well as Erickson College International: Dreamwork and Advanced Metaphors, Family Coaching, Corporate Mindfulness – accredited by ICF. She uses the MPA® certificate and EASI® Master Person Analysis – tools supporting recruitment and employee career development.

Initially, she worked in leading international publishing houses, where she held the positions of general director, marketing and PR director, and head of the business development department. She also managed marketing in an American pharmaceutical corporation.

Anna Piekut
Partner at Meissner & Partners

Paweł Kudzia

Paweł is a CSR consultant specializing in Management through CSR. He develops CSR strategies in three simple steps: „minus in plus”, „pro + fit” and „max – mini”. He says that this kind of CSR is „made for our children”.

He graduated from the Faculty of Journalism at the University of Warsaw. He was a war correspondent, member of the board and director of the Foreign Missions and Emergency Response Department of the Polish Humanitarian Action and online community manager. He was also responsible for CSR at AmRest Holdings.

Paweł also discovers different “stories from the history of PL” and presents them during inspirational meetings in companies and schools.

Renata Lubomirska
Mentor | Coach

Mentor and coach of diplomats and high-level managers with over 15 years of experience working with senior diplomats, managers and private VIPs. She specialises in individual work and holistic human-centred approach to image and new identity building. Her experience is rooted in years of working in diplomacy and her professional and private experience in various European countries. She offers her classes in Polish, English, French and Italian languages.

Renata gained practical experience during her long career as Head of Diplomatic Protocol at the Polish Embassy in Paris, before as representative of the Minister of Culture of the Republic of Poland for diplomatic relations with the Bureau International d’Expositions in Paris, earlier as Pre-accession Advisor assistant at the European Commission Representation in Poland, co-founder of the Italian-Polish Chamber of Commerce and as Corporate Affaires’ Manager at the branches of the Fininvest.

She holds a Master’s degree in Neophilology from the University of Warsaw and a postgraduate degree in History and Archaeology of Magna Graecia from the University Mediterranea in Italy. She completed training in geopolitics and diplomatic economics at the prestigious Ecole Nationale d’Administration in Paris. At the same university, she also lectured on diplomatic protocol to high-level managers.

Member of the Supervisory Board of the French association Réseau du Protocole which brings together heads of protocol of France and European countries.

Mother of a student, author of publications on African cinema, lover of equestrian and water sports. Member of NGO’s aiming to protect Mediterranean fauna, especially sea turtle populations.

Dorota Hoffmann
Executive Coach

Dorota is a graduate of the Warsaw University of Technology and postgraduate studies at the SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities. Her main fields of interest are recruitment, team and leadership building, negotiations, mediations, creative problem solving, managing a task team, building business strategies, monitoring business activities, coaching and coaching style of leadership in business. She completed, among others, the following courses: the Academy of Management and Multilevel Negotiations run by NLP Neuroeducation, International Coaching Certification, Transforming Communication®, Train the Trainer, ORSC Fundamentals – Organization and Relationship Systems Coaching Fundamentals, advanced coaching methods at Erickson College International and group facilitation techniques accredited by ILM, UK. She is an Extended DISC® Accredited Consultant.

Dorota is the author of publications on coaching, communication, management and visual thinking. She combines innovation and high communication skills with the energy of the action activator – she provides excellent support in discovering and triggering the ability to work effectively in situations perceived as difficult. She has the natural ability to develop close relationship with a coaching participant and inspires him/her to achieve his/her goals, with particular emphasis on building appropriate relationships resulting in fruitful cooperation. She works in accordance with the ICF Code of Ethics.

In her work she draws on her experience gained during 13 years of working at Hewlett-Packard, where she was involved in selling B2B solutions. As a member of the HPE Poland Management Board she actively participated in a number of strategic projects in the EMEA region and global structures.

Marta Filipiak
Executive Coach

Marta Filipiak is a psychologist and coach, cognitive trainer, expert in the field of training and development programs, a long-time manager in business and an NGO leader.

She works with business and individuals in the area of improving leadership competences, resilience and change management, development of innovation and building courage to act.

As a long-time expert and HR manager, working for the largest international corporations for over 17 years, she discovers a special passion in the field of training, people and business development. Marta has spent hundreds of hours in the training room and supervised numerous training and development programs in business. She supports business clients in the area of leadership, HR competences and the development of innovation based on Design Thinking.

She works as a coach, supporting her clients in discovering resources, developing opportunities and overcoming their boundaries; teaches classes at the SWPS University, is the author of publications on development and coaching, including one awarded by “Coaching at Work” in Great Britain as the best article of 2019. She works utilizing the following tools DISC, MTQ+ (mental resilience) and Thomas International.

Marta Filipiak is a graduate of psychology studies at the SWPS University, Personnel Management at the National College of Ireland (CIPD), a Coaching Course at the METRUM School, a Professional Coaching Course at the Institute of Cognitive Science (EMCC accredited) and dozens of trainings and workshops. Currently, she is expanding her competences in the field of psychotherapy in process-oriented psychology at the Institute of Process Psychology.

She works to inspire continuous development, building personal resources, creativity and courage, all through deep, personal experiences and real action. Courage to act and sincere passion flowing from the heart are the essence of what she wants to leave with her clients.

Privately, she is passionate about living in harmony with nature, art and methods of art coaching and alternative education.

Małgorzata Klimczyk, PhD
Executive Coach

Małgorzata Klimczyk, PhD is a life coach certified by the ICC in 2009. She is a member of ICF Poland and ICF Global. She completed postgraduate studies in organizational coaching and leadership coaching at the Department of Psychology at the University of East London. In 2012 she completed her training at the VIA Institute with qualifications for working with teams and team leaders.

Małgorzata runs individual development programs for people who are aiming at personal development in leadership, personal effectiveness in achieving goals, interpersonal communication and improvement of effectiveness and teamwork satisfaction.
Native proficiency in English and her professional experience in international environments enable Małgorzata to work effectively with foreigners.

She is a graduate of the Faculty of Chemistry at the Jagiellonian University and a graduate of De Montfort University in Leicester, UK where she completed a doctoral degree in Inorganic Chemistry.
Since 2000, she has managed Quality Assurance and Regulatory Affairs departments in international companies in the food and cosmetic industry.

Magda Rodak
Executive Coach

Coach menedżerów & życiowy mentor z ponad 12-letnim doświadczeniem pracy z przedstawicielami wyższej kadry menedżerskiej, specjalistami, przedsiębiorcami i osobami prywatnymi. Jej kompleksowe podejście do człowieka, wyrastające z koaktywnego coachingu, wsparte myśleniem systemowym, skupieniem na poczuciu szczęścia i sprawdzonych naukowo narzędziach służy osobom i zespołom w wyjątkowy sposób.  Specjalizuje się w coachingu indywidualnym, coachingu zespołów i facylitacji.

Współtworzyła warsztaty i poradnik pt. Alchemia zmian dla osób, które chcą zrealizować swoje marzenie. Rozwinęła projekt www.szczęśliwsi.pl, promujący holistyczne i naukowe podejście do szczęścia (stworzyła model i audit szczęścia). Prowadziła audycje radiowe nt. coachingu. W 2009 roku, w uznaniu jej zasług, Magda została wybrana przez coachingową społeczność na członka czarządu ICF Polska. Akredytowana jako Professional Certified Coach by ICF (2012-2015).

Praktyczne doświadczenie w biznesie zdobyła podczas kariery przed-coachingowej jako menedżer projektu, redaktor naczelna i przedsiębiorca. Przez ponad 10 lat pracowała w wydawnictwach, gdzie zainicjowała i zrealizowała wiele udanych projektów wydawniczych. Jest magistrem ekonomii w Szkole Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie oraz Certyfikowanym Profesjonalnym Coachem Koaktywnym (CPCC). Ukończyła szkolenia coachingowe na poziomie profesjonalnym i mistrzowskim, w tym Organization and Relationship Systems CoachingTM (ORSC) oraz Team Coaching Intensive ™ (TCI).

Mama dwóch dorosłych synów, miłośniczka przyrody i rowerowych wycieczek.

Marlena Mikołaszek
Senior Consultant

A SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities graduate with a degree in Psychology with continued education in post-graduate studies at WSB University, HR Professionalist.

Psychologist who is passionate for talent hunting. I have nine-years of professional experience in HR sector both in-house and in a head hunting company. I have worked for international corporations and a global head hunting company,where I have gained my professional experience.
I have extensive knowledge of managing recruitment processes for mid-level specialists as well as senior management positions.

Małgorzata Domanowska
Finance Director

Małgorzata Domanowska holds a master’s degree in economics. She is a graduate of the Faculty of Finance and Statistics (majoring in Finance) at the Warsaw School of Planning and Statistics. She is also a graduate of postgraduate Accounting Courses at the Warsaw School of Economics. She is a certified tax advisor with many years’ experience in managerial positions at private companies. She was often responsible for managing the entire finance area and the internal control of companies. Since 2010 she has been cooperating with Meissner&Partners as Finance Director. Małgorzata is responsible for preparing and implementing company’s financial policy and supervising current operating activities.

  • Maja Meissner Managing Partner
  • Anna Piekut Partner at Meissner & Partners
  • Paweł Kudzia Partner
  • Renata Lubomirska Mentor | Coach
  • Dorota Hoffmann Executive Coach
  • Marta Filipiak Executive Coach
  • Małgorzata Klimczyk, PhD Executive Coach
  • Magda Rodak Executive Coach
  • Marlena Mikołaszek Senior Consultant
  • Małgorzata Domanowska Finance Director